- Bacteria normally make energy-rich fatty acids (Oil) for their own use.
- Specialized microbes called cyanobacteria use photosynthesis to convert sunlight into energy, just like plants.
- Researchers at The Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University (who said ASU was just a party school?) found a way to utilize this process as a source of renewable energy.
- How'd they do it? Genetic modifications permitting the bacteria to significantly increase their lipid (stored energy) production and secretion (so we can collect & use them) without dying in the process.
- Big-time pros:
- Oil produced and processed in 1 step.
- Only energy input required is sunlight.
- No need to use/maintain cropland (e.g. for plant-based sources)
- Questions I have:
- How much processing after collecting the bacterial oil would be needed in order to use it?
- What other resources are needed for the bacteria to survive & how much do they cost?
- Cost-effective for large-scale energy production?
Microbes ooze oil for renewable energy from Biodesign Institute on Vimeo.