
Being fat could save your life...that is after it causes your heart attack

Too much fat around the waist may be bad for your health, but the stem cells it contains might one day save your life. Starting this month, a new European trial aims to determine whether stem cells harvested from a person's own fat, delivered shortly after a heart attack, could prevent some of the cardiac muscle damage that results from blocked arteries.
Fat Cells for Broken Hearts - Technology Review

Bomb-sniffing plants, that's right I said plants!

Picture this at an airport, perhaps in as soon as four years: A terrorist rolls through the sliding doors of a terminal with a bomb packed into his luggage (or his underwear). All of a sudden, the leafy, verdant gardenscape ringing the gates goes white as a sheet. That’s the proteins inside the plants telling authorities that they’ve picked up the chemical trace of the guy’s arsenal.

It only took a small engineering nudge to deputize a plant’s natural, evolutionary self-defense mechanisms for threat detection. “Plants can’t run and hide,” says June Medford, the biologist who’s spent the last seven years figuring out how to deputize plants for counterterrorism. “If a bug comes by, it has to respond to it. And it already has the infrastructure to respond.”

Grow Your Own Security: Prof Breeds Bomb-Spotting Plants | Danger Room | Wired.com

The world can be powered by alternative energy, using today’s technology, in 20-40 years (If there's still a world)

Now all we need is for politicians to stop accepting enormously large quantities of moula from oil companies and we're home free!