
If you don't yet know about Ray Kurzweil, you have some catching up to do...

2045: The Year Man Becomes Immortal

Love it or hate it, Ray Kurzweil's theory of 'The Singularity' must be accepted as a legitimate possibility of what the future holds in store for humanity.

1 comment:

  1. This article is a pretty good summary of his last book. Watching Watson on Jeopardy reminded me a lot of The Singularity is Near. I assume Kurzweil's next book will have some discussion about Watson.

    I feel like a bit of a kook whenever I mention Kurzweil to people, but his 'predictions' continue to be proven true. It's scary/amazing to think that we might be alive during a civil rights movement for robots. I think that's pretty out there though, and in reality, we'll meet somewhere in the middle with a moderate version of the singularity.
